Historic Sites Under Military Destruction
The doomed restoration projects that had been slated to preserve the ancient architecture of Syria obviously have been adversely effected during the ongoing circumstance of war. Aleppo, a major commercial center of the country is home to not only a proportion of the country's middle class which had avoided the military campaign during the first six months. But as the violence has tragically ravaged the country, it along with the other major towns of Damascas and rural areas have since been exposed to wartorn destruction.
Aleppo once was a historic metropolis that served as a cultural and mercantile hub for millenium dating back to the birth of ancient civilization around 5000BC. Any signs of the society from these mesmerizing olden times have long vanished but remnants from more modern structures around Roman times still lie beneath several of the current facades that mark reckognizable places today. Beneath the low walled castle of The Citadel are archetetural artifacts that the Syrian Cultural Ministry and preservation societies from Europe had made efforts to explore and protect for years. The Citadel is a wonder in itself that dates back from the middle ages and has long been idolized by historians and travelers journeying to take sight of it's aesthetic signficance along with other buildings in Allepo and Damascas . This monument is an elevated, low walled castle that had served as protection for many of the city's people and army during times of invasion.
Sadly as the violence has continued, these ancient structures are being used again as hideouts for the military. The Free Syrian Army foresees a meaningful objective to claim control of the Citadel as a sentimental sign in the overturn of power. However the government's military has used this as occupation for several months during the recent fighting.