

Lisbon:capital, Porto:-major city, population(000's) 10,579 lang:Portuge gov: Parlimentary Republic, pres: Anibal Cavasco Silva elected thru Jan. 2016

A majestic country situated on the peninsula with Spain along the Atlantic Ocean. It's ranked highly on the world index of globalized and peaceful nations. With major economic interests diversified among a local agricultural base, fishing, mining operations for copper and other rare metals including tin, tungsten and uranium, manufacturing also plays a sizeable piece with production plants for Volkswagon, Embraer aircraft, and a supplier for IKea furniture store. Tourism is a large focus of the country's attraction. Under useful links are several references to travel reviews from inspired vacationers who offer high praise for the local tempermant and extensive places to experience in this hidden gem of a destination.

National Sport and Culture: Soccer reigns as most popular of the country's spectaculors. The national team is Seleccao National who gained acclaim as a 2004 runner up in the Euro Cup and 4th place finish in 2006 World Cup. Current famous player includes Cristiano Ronaldo of club team Real Madrid. Surfing also is a popular activity for this coast lined country. Gastronomia shouldn't go unmentioned but to discuss it in brevity would be an injustice. Aside from excellent culinary trends, wine and particularly port, the after dinner libation are indigenous.

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