Your Guide to Understanding the World: Click the Points to Discover what You Want to Know!
- Montreal, Canada
Another French speaking major City of Canada where temperatures are likely chilly
Atlanta, GA
ATL Where I hang my hat that offers the Energy of a big city with a comfort to soothe
- Los Angeles
LA A West Coast Spectacular with Sunny Weather and Glamorous Shades!
Mexico City
MEXICO: Beautiful beaches with plenty to explore. Saftey concerns nonetheless for would be travelers.
Central America
- A region on the equator full of splendor to excite a variety of tastes for tropics, oceans and life.
Northwestern South American Country that contains a history of illicit activity but genuine culture to explore
- Ecuador
Seemingly easy going country that doesn't attract much contraversial news attention
- Peru
Like much of S America, sadly an impoverished nation but gorgeous coasts and boasts of epic surf
- Chile
A continuation of the longest left surf break in the world with a strong economy that offers tourist attraction mecca.
- Bolivia
Often influenced by socialist ties of it's neighboor Venezuela but poised for development as a major prescence in South America
- Venezuela
With Caracas as it's Capital, it's made it's name as an international player but leader Hugo Chavez's socialist regime pains the country
- Brazil
As the biggest Country in South America, this vast territory offers variety of populous cities, unchartered rainforests and stupendous beaches
- Argentina
A country rich in the region's history, it has been named a travelers best bet on valued priced visits.
Toronto, Canada
French speaking major capital in the norther neighboor to the US.
- New York City, USA
Most Exciting US city with unlimited Attractions and Adventures!
- Vancouver, Canada
All the way west in the vast country of Canada, this city can compete with the best as a lively, desired place to live for professionals and students
- Greenland
Don't let the suggestive name fool you, this country is year round cold and days stay light or dark depending on the season for nearly 24 hrs a day
- Portugal
Small western country on Iberian Pennisula boasts of it's own language shared by Brazil
- Spain
A country of personal interest with large city attractions with all that the imagination could fathom
- France
A country that needs no introduction, one that stands apart for it's culture and history.
- Germany
A major contributor to the European econoomy and for which major national transformation occurred 20 years ago
- Italy
A place of breathtaking coasts, an unmistakable language, foods and sights
A deep history dating back to the Middle Ages for the nation that's remained a big role player in Europe.
- Ukraine
Located in close proximatey to the Eastern European block of countries and posseses autonomous governing traits that are interesting to discover more about.
- Romania
Strategically located near middle eastern influence but euro.
- Greece
One of the first civilizations but now on verge of paving seperatist path from rest of Europe due to financial disaster
- Turkey
Mediteranean country that first introduced me to a tasty doner kebab and the attractive citizens that served them.
- Caspian Countries
An area once torn between major powers to the south and the north. How the independance of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia transpired and the current situation is fascinating.
- Iceland
Up in the artics of the Atlantic, recently experienced financial tumult unlikely to recover soon
- Norway
NORWAY: A nordic country subsistent on fishing culture centuries ago but today a major economic center as home to Nokia
- Sweden
SWEDEN: Blonde haired beuaties are the standard in the hearty culture to be dreamed of, think rolling hillsides and inviting chateaus
- Finland
A must stop on any vacation to the nordic region of Europe, and more that I could discover of it's offerings
- Belgium
A charming small country that can fill your appetite with delicious sweets and country legends
- Netherlands
Home to International meeting place, the Hague also where marijuana is a cultural staple attracting all of us die hard explorers
- Denmark
Refer to these people as the Danish, lots of interesting sights and customs to explore in this small Euro nation
- Switzerland
Popular of the European countries and one that boasts a strong currency, banking business and desirable places to visit for sure
- Chechoslovakia
Capital is Prague and infamous for intoxicating liquor drunken by early 20th century artists in scenic city neighborhoods
- Austria
.. . um, "Good Day Mate" Not. Think lucious mountains and skiiable acres in winter paradise
- Slovakia
Not sure what exactly this central Euro country is reckognized for but click to find out more
- Croatia
Periods of tense sentiment for this nation's historic progress as it once was part of former Yugoslavia but now cherishes a vibrant domestic life.
- Bosnia
Unfortunate history of Islamist and Catholic warfare at the hands of the govenrnment decades ago but now stabalizing and emergence of stronger society.
- Former Yukoslavia
A Prominant region of Eastern Europe often contending with individualistic ambition from decades of imposed rule. The region's history ebbs between civility and brutal turmoil that was most tragically experienced during the 1990's.
- Belarus
Large bordering country of Russia amidst Eastern bloc of countries and sparks further interest for me to research
- Hungary
Former Communist controlled country and now having gained European Union membership expecting to be an economic contributor to the alliance
- Bulgaria
BULGARIA: A country that offers much to learn about the influx of ethnic populations into the Balkans. A nation accostom to preserving it's own identity for centuries despite early Greek and Russian influence.
- Lithuania
Near border of Eastern Russia and once part of it's control, it's a small and seemingly independant country
- Syria
Currently plagued of immense brutality and a major focus of current international news
- Iraq
Country on the rebound after US and NATO occupation throughout a major conflict with current government transition
- Lebanon
Smallest of the Middle Eastern countries that is seen as base for fundamentalist group Hezbollah
- Jordan
Territory near Israel and Jordan of historic importance
- Saudi Arabia
Biggest of the Arabian penninsula countries and regarded as most influential with immense wealth from oil
- Kuwait
Rarely spoken about small country bordering Iraq that faced threat of overthrow in 80's by dicator Heussain's regime from Iraq
- Qatar
Largely bordered by water who share reciprocity with the US allowing us to operate a Naval base there
Collection of cities that have grown in western fashion during the last several years with a propery boom and subsequent bust, but still exhibits potential
- Yemen
Country that recently experienced a transition in government power and remains a threatening location for terrorists enclaves to exist
- Oman
Country on the southern tip of the region not calling much attention to itself
- Lithuania
With a large presence in the Middle East that seeks greater importance yet maintains an intollerable government at odds with most of the Western World.
- Jordan
Country of vast wealth and stable government
Large presence in the area and seeks greater importance yet maintains intollerable government leadership that the United States will not negotiate with
- Afghanistan
Historically unstable country, sympathetic to Islamic extremists and the US there for the 12 year military campaign
- Uzbekistan
A formerly occupied Soviet country of a once nomadic, unsettled civilization but a nation now aspiring to develop itself.
- Egypt
Ancient history that provided a central element to society. Amidst the more ambitious westernizing countries of North Africa.
- Libya
New changes ahead as this North African country recently underwent warfare in a decisive battel to depsose it's former dictator.
- Nepal
A geologically diverse nation that contains the Himalayan Mountains as it's Northern boundary.
- Nepal
The small nation home to Buddahist monks and a long history of Eastern religious significance.
- Turkmenistan
Remote region once ruled by Sultan and Turk tribesman often at odds with the Persian Empire. Came to be under control of Russia and now independant with little prosperity.
- Morocco
Temperate coastal desert that offers a modern North African adventure.
- China
World's largest country, communist government, an ancient history that encompasses centuries of dynasties.
- North Korea
North Korea:
Reclusive, threatening govnerment with military might and little in way of personal liberty.
- Russia
Largest of all nations and ridden with punishing eras of civil mistreatment, failed politcal regimes and contention with other worldly powers. Yet a country with an important history and potential for improvement on a global scale.